venerdì 7 marzo 2014

Farmer Giles of Ham di Tolkien, nuova edizione inglese 2014

Farmer Giles of Ham
di J.R.R Tolkien
Illustrazioni di Pauline Baynes
A cura di Christina Scull e Wayne G. Hammond
HarperCollins; Pocket edition edition
1° ed. 2014, pp. 144
Illustrazione di sovraccoperta di Pauline Baynes
Rilegato con sovraccoperta

A commemorative golden anniversary edition of Tolkien’s classic book, including a new introduction, a map, a copy of Tolkien’s unpublished short story which he expanded for publication, his notes for an aborted sequel, and the original first edition illustrations by Pauline Baynes.

Farmer Giles of Ham did not look like a hero. He was fat and red-bearded and enjoyed a slow, comfortable life.

Then one day a rather deaf and short-sighted giant blundered on to his land. More by luck than skill, Farmer Giles managed to scare him away. The people of the village cheered: Farmer Giles was a hero.

His reputation spread far and wide across the kingdom. So it was natural that when the dragon Chrysophylax visited the area it was Farmer Giles who was expected to do battle with it!

Elenco delle pubblicazioni
1949: Farmer Giles of Ham: Aegidii Ahenobarbi Julii Agricole de Hammo, Domini de Domito, Aule Draconarie Comitis, Regni Minimi Regis et Basilei mira facinora et mirablis exortus, or in the vulgar tongue, The Rise and Wonderful Adventures of Farmer Giles, Lord of Tame, Count of Worminghall and King of the Little Kingdom. Illustrato da Pauline Baynes. Londra, George Allen and Unwin, ottobre 1949.
1966: Ristampato in The Tolkien Reader.
1969: Smith of Wootton Major e Farmer Giles of Ham. Illustrazioni di Pauline Diana Baynes. New York, Ballantine Books, March 1969.
1975: Farmer Giles of Ham, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. London, Unwin Books, 30 ottobre 1975.
1980: Ristampato in Poems and Stories
1997: Ristampato  in Tales from the Perilous Realm
1999: Farmer Giles of Ham (50th Anniversary edition). Curato da Christina Scull e Wayne G. Hammond. Illustratato da Pauline Baynes. HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 4 ottobre 1999.
1999: Farmer Giles of Ham (50th Anniversary edition). Curato da Christina Scull e Wayne G. Hammond. Illustratato da Pauline Baynes. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 15 novembre 1999).
2002: Ristampato in A Tolkien Miscellany. Garden City, New York, Science Fiction Book Club, luglio 2002.
2008: Farmer Giles of Ham (60th Anniversary edition). Curato da Christina Scull e Wayne G. Hammond. Illustratato da Pauline Baynes. HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. 1 dicembre 2008.
2014: Farmer Giles of Ham. Curato da Christina Scull e Wayne G. Hammond. Illustratato da Pauline Baynes. HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. 27 febbraio 2014.

Maggiori informazioni sul sito dei curatoir Hammond e Scull

Questo testo complete la serie Pocket pubblicata da HarperCollins che comprende: Smith of Wootton Major, Roverandom e The adventures of Tom Bombadil

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